Monday, September 6, 2010

photographic space

I am very interested in photographic spaces... that is, spaces that can be captured and recorded as imagery. I often play around with digital photographs in my process... in drawing and etching. I often stage imagery through a series of performative actions. I use my camera to record specific moments of time throughout a performed action. I think of these captured images as archives of identity... existence within a period of time and space which goes beyond what is perceivable.
... I often use myself as subject matter as it is convenient.


  1. The aspect of your work that I love most Lisa, would have to be that you seem to be very aware of your vision, or your intuition... It's almost as if you have revelations that proclaim themselves through your SELF-KNOWING mind. Your grasp on inductive reasoning is one aspect I admire the most, you are constantly on a search to find truth through analysis. The fact that you are so in-tune with your conscious mind and your conscious thought shows what kind of awareness you have, in regards to, the relevance thought has on your entire environment.

    You are a shinning star Lisa! Never stop analyzing, and most importantly never stop searching for truth!

    I love this entire series!

  2. Thank you Andrew. I am deeply honored by your words!
